'Thumbs up is you want to see more challenges !!! *6 BUTT WORKOUTS THAT WORK https://youtu.be/9dDkG5KqTUw **Brett is 6 foot 4! I\'m 5 foot 2 AND A HALF ;) *MY CARLI BYBEL DELUXE EDITION PALETTE IS UP FOR PREORDER ON http://www.pranavabeauty.com *WE HIT OUR GOAL OF 100K ON http://www.pranavabeauty.com !!! LETS KEEP GOING! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! ***MORE VIDEOS WITH BRETT: BOYFRIEND DOES MY MAKEUP https://youtu.be/eFE_QvkJfgc NOT MY ARMS CHALLENGE https://youtu.be/j2u42lN4_fo THE WHISPER CHALLENGE https://youtu.be/u05Pb5qZmVM MY FIRST TIME WITH BRETT CAP https://youtu.be/oMthkEcagx8 BOYFRIEND VS BEST FRIEND https://youtu.be/IKDbskC7Ips ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIIIIIIII :) Sooo Friday Brett and I filmed the Yoga Challenge!! We\'ve wanted to do this challenge for awhile now! It was seriously SO much fun. You guys should 100% try it out. We were both crying from laughing. I hope you guys enjoy!!! *Thank you Brett for all your nifty sound effects in todays video ;D Seen on Me: Leggings & Sports Bra American Apparel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 Follow US on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD http://www.instagram.com/BRETTCAP Follow me on SNAPCHAT! @CarliPenguin5 @BRETTCAP Come say hi on Twitter: @CarliBybel @BRETTCAP *Make sure to subscribe to Brett\'s fitness channel!!!! http://www.youtube.com/brettcap Disclaimer: this video is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links XOX'
Tags: fashion , beauty , challenge , yoga , funny , Yoga Challenge , boyfriend , girlfriend , Tag , carli bybel , carlibel , bybel , sevensupergirls , carlibybel , carlibel55 , jennamarbles , brett cap , Totally TV , alex wassabi , the rybka twins , boyfriend does makeup , the yoga challenge
See also: